Newcastle Town under 13s coach, Kevan Tideswell, is looking to raise £10,000 to help fund medical support for one of his players, Max, following his recent diagnosis of CRPS.
Here’s Max’s story, as written by Kevan:
In May Max was playing football innocently with his friends and felt a pain in his groin area went home told his Mum and Dad (Rach and Dan) and they followed all the normal protocols.
After a few weeks had gone by Max hadn’t improved if anything he became worse, hospital visit after hospital visit saw no improvement with Max and left doctors and nurses puzzled.
Fast forward a few months Max eventually was referred to a professor who gave him a diagnosis of CRPS.
Max has been referred to Alder Hay hospital but the waiting list is 10-12 months so in the mean time the family have been self funding psychology treatments and Max has received prescribed medication which is not improving the situation and Max’s family have been forced into seeking medical help abroad in Germany.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is classed as the most painful chronic pain condition that is known. It reaches approx 42 out of 50 on the McGill Pain Scale, higher than non-terminal cancer, higher than amputation of a finger without anaesthesia… In some research it has been said that CRPS Type II can reach as high as 47 out of 50.
Because of the condition Max can’t fly so the only way to Germany is for his Mum and Dad to drive him there.
The treatment is called Scrambler Therapy.
Rach and Dan have been in contact with the specialist over in Germany and he’s said he has availability in November, Max will need to be there for 2 weeks for the treatment which has a success rate of 80%-82%.
Max is continuing to get worse and deteriorating by the day and the family are at a loss.
Over the years Rach Dan Max, his sister Ivy and little brother Ted have become close family friends so I wanted to try and help in anyway I could and Newcastle Town football club are going to help as much as they can as well.
I appreciate times are hard and Christmas is only around the corner but if you could make a donation doesn’t matter how big or small towards helping Max get the treatment in Germany it would be massively appreciated.
Thanks in advance
To donate, please visit the Just Giving page that Kevan has setup by hitting the link below: